The Municipality of Chesterfield Inlet

The Municipal Government is made of Elected Mayor, Deputy Mayor, & Councillors. The Hamlet of Chesterfield Inlet est. April 1, 1980, administer Municipal plans, Roles & responsibility, Training/ Recreation, access Roads, or Environment & infrastructure to Sustain Economic Development & Tourism, or its’ Goals & objectives etc. behalf of the Municipality. The Municipal Government administer day-to-day operations/ Municipal Public Affairs & Services, or Socio-Economic Development & Infrastructure.

The Community Development Program, Municipal Training, Councillors Roles & Responsibility, Conflict of Interest Policy/ Hamlets Act, Municipal Affairs & Services, Environmental/ Recycle, NAM, Archaeological/ Heritage sites, or Socio-Economic development, & Infrastructure contact Community & Government Services, Municipal Training Organization, Elections Nunavut, Infrastructure Canada, or Municipality of Chesterfield Inlet. The Municipal Elections frequently asked questions visit Elections Nunavut.

Mayor: Simionie Sammurtok
Deputy Mayor: Eddy Kalluk
Councillors: Louie Kukkiak, Yvonne Bedford, Gaetano Scala, Doriana Sammurtok, Mary-Ann Issaluk, Jennifer Sammurtok, & Randy Boiteau.
The Hamlet council schedule meetings Tuesday 1:30 pm, second & fourth week of each month. The agenda contact Hamlet Clerk, Hamlet of Chesterfield Inlet 1-(867) 898-4600.

Hamlet of Chesterfield Inlet – Municipal Government

Mayor Simionie Sammurtok (867) 898-4605
Deputy Mayor
Deputy Mayor Eddy Kalluk
Councillor Louie Kukkiak
Councillor Mary-Ann Issaluk
Councillor Doriana Sammurtok
Councillor Randy Boiteau
Councillor Gaetano Scala
Councillor Yvonne Bedford
Councillor Jennifer Sammurtok
Chief Administrative Officer Paul Bosetti (867) 898-4602
Assistant (CAO) Greg Tanuyak (867) 898-4602
Receptionist Clerk
Clerk Flora Mimialik (867) 898-4600
Municipal Lands
Hamlet Lands Officer Gloria Mimialik (867) 898-4604
Community Economic Development
Community Economic Development Officer David Kattegatsiak (867) 898-4603
Term Finance Officer Venissa Mimialik (867) 898-4600
Municipal Services & Maintenance
Hamlet Foreman Don Tanuyak (867) 898-9939
Hamlet Mechanic James Mullins (867) 898-9939
Hamlet Mechanic (assistant) vacant (867) 898-9939
Hamlet Building Maintainer Johnny Makpah (867) 898-4600
Recreation & Wellness Coordinator
Recreation Coordinator Russell Mullins (867) 898-9081
Health & Wellness Coordinator vacant (867) 898-4608
Food Security Coordinator Natasha Kimmaliardjuk (867) 898-4600
Recreation Facility Maintainer Eric Nanout (867) 898-9081
Agnico-Eagle Mines
Community Liaison Officer (Human Resource) Janice Issaluk (867) 898-4606
By-Law Enforcement/ Fire Department
By-Law Officer/ Fire Chief Larry Ittinuar (867) 898-9787
CICH 93.3 FM - Sigjaqpaluk
Radio Programme CICH 93.3 FM Mark Amarok (867) 898-9934