The Municipal Plan & Lands

The Municipality of Chesterfield Inlet quarry materials, roads maintenance, dust suppression on unpaved roads, access trail, culverts, recycle containers, metal/ lumber scrap yard, sewage lagoon, landfill, roadside stream/ culverts drain, residential/ commercial lot, community map/ plan, or zoning by-law.

The Municipal Infrastructure

The Municipal Plan & Infrastructure gravel roads, access trail/ Kivalliq road, quarry excavation/ hauling, dust suppression, floating dock, landfill/ metal scrap yard, pole lights, barge sealift, heritage/ archaeological sites, cemetery, reservoir/ water treatment plant, or mobile screener/ cone crusher contact Foreman, or Chief Administrative Officer (867) 898-4600 (Hamlet of Chesterfield Inlet).

The Municipal Lands contact Lands Officer (867) 898-4600, or Lands Admin (867) 645-8115, Community & Government Services, GN.

The Municipal Lands & Environment

The Government of Nunavut lands programs & services, environment, quarry/ gravel, commercial/ residential lot, access trail, landfill/ metal scrap yard, or recycle, & Municipal plan.

The Community Planning & Lands contact Lands Administrator 1-(867) 645-8115, Community & Government Services.

The Commercial/ Residential tenants is the responsibility of Clean Environment to maintain rental premises, or all services, and facilities provided of (Lot) to tenancy of Clean Environment, or Health Safety. The scrap metals of ATV parts, snowmobiles, tires, or vehicles should be disposed of Metal scrap yard, or Recycle containers.