The Municipal Plan & Lands
The Municipality of Chesterfield Inlet quarry materials, roads maintenance, dust suppression on unpaved roads, access trail, culverts, recycle containers, metal/ lumber scrap yard, sewage lagoon, landfill, roadside stream/ culverts drain, residential/ commercial lot, community map/ plan, or zoning by-law.
The Municipal Infrastructure
The Municipal Plan & Infrastructure gravel roads, access trail/ Kivalliq road, quarry excavation/ hauling, dust suppression, floating dock, landfill/ metal scrap yard, pole lights, barge sealift, heritage/ archaeological sites, cemetery, reservoir/ water treatment plant, or mobile screener/ cone crusher contact Foreman, or Chief Administrative Officer (867) 898-4600 (Hamlet of Chesterfield Inlet).
The Municipal Lands contact Lands Officer (867) 898-4600, or Lands Admin (867) 645-8115, Community & Government Services, GN.
The Municipal Lands & Environment
The Government of Nunavut lands programs & services, environment, quarry/ gravel, commercial/ residential lot, access trail, landfill/ metal scrap yard, or recycle, & Municipal plan.
- Community & Government Services, Kivalliq Regional Office
- Department of Environment, Government of Nunavut
- Recycle Containers, Hamlet of Chesterfield Inlet
- Municipal Plan & Zoning By-Law, Municipality of Chesterfield Inlet
- Landfill/ Metal Scrap Yard, Municipality of Chesterfield Inlet
- Recreational Trail, Hamlet of Chesterfield Inlet
- Dust Suppression, Department of Environment
- Small Craft Harbour Assessment Study, Department of ED&T
- Community Plan & Zoning By-Law Report, Community & Government Services
- Kivalliq Hydro-Fibre, Nukik Corporation
- Kivalliq Road Project, Department of ED&T
- Infrastructure, Municipality of Chesterfield Inlet
- Infrastructure Canada – Chesterfield Inlet