The Puppies, Huskies/ mix Breeds that need good families to care for them. Why not consider Adopting one, as a Pet.
Available for Adoption:
To inquire contact HAMLET of CHESTERFIELD INLET, Chesterfield Inlet Economic Development Officer, or By-law Officer 1-(867) 898-4603.
The Winnipeg Humane Society/ Veterinary Associations:
Information on Dog or Puppy (12 to 18 weeks of age) vaccination, intake and transporting pet, Winnipeg Humane Society, or Veterinary Associations & Organizations inquire Winnipeg Humane Society, or the Veterinary Associations & Organizations.
Transport Animal/ Pet Adoption:
The Calm Air International LP will Transport pets Dog or Puppy for adoption, one way south FREE of CHARGE, if space is available to a shelter, or to the SPCA. The customer must arrange to book a space on flights with Calm Air International LP Toll-free 1-(800) 839-2256 (reservation), or Calm Air Agent (867) 898-9104.
The customer is responsible for drop-off at the Airport Terminal to arrange for a pick-up at the destination. Information on Kennels contact Hamlet of Chesterfield Inlet, Chesterfield Inlet Economic Development Officer, or By-law Officer 1-(867) 898-4600.
Rabies Information – ALL Dogs should be vaccinated for Rabies:
Rabies is a dangerous disease that is carried by foxes, wolves, or wolverines. It can be transmitted to dogs and humans; and is untreatable, or fatal to humans.
Rabies is usually transmitted by saliva in a bite, but a dog or person does not have to be bitten to get rabies. Saliva on a person’s hands can transfer the disease through the eyes, nose, mouth, or small cuts, so even licking by an animal that has rabies is dangerous. Not every bite results in rabies, but if a person develops the disease, it is fatal.
Avoid any Fox seen in Town – Rabies affects the Behaviour of Animals in Three Ways:
- An animal may appear aggressive, attacking without warning.
- An animal may appear very tame and quiet.
- An animal may appear playful.
Pre-Cautions regarding Rabies:
- Teach your children to avoid foxes at all times; and not to play with them. Any fox seen in town should be considered rabid.
- Children should be taught to tell parents or an adult if they are bitten or licked by a fox; (If a child is licked by a fox, quickly wash hands, arms, face, and neck with soap).
- Children should not approach a dog they do not know, and should NEVER tease a chained dog.
- If your child is bitten by a dog or a fox, take him or her to the Health Centre and tell the nurse what has happened. Your child may need shots to prevent rabies from developing. This should be done as soon as you find out about the bite.
For Trappers:
Ask the Conservation Officer if they are seeing cases of rabies, before beginning the trapping season. If there is a rabies outbreak, take special care when handling trapped animals, even when they are dead.
If there is a bite:
- If your dog is bitten by a fox or an unvaccinated dog, your dog must be quarantined for three to six months and watched for any unusual behaviour.
- If your dog has been vaccinated and is bitten by a fox, take it to the By-Law Officer as soon as possible and have it revaccinated.
- If your dog has been vaccinated, vaccinating after a bite will not help. An unvaccinated dog that is bitten MUST be quarantined for at least 6 months in a pen where it cannot get to people.
When to Vaccinate:
- Puppies should be vaccinated no earlier than 12 weeks, but during the first 6 months if possible.
- They should be vaccinated again at one year, and every two years after that.
- If there is an active rabies outbreak, vaccinate every year. This is especially important for dogs tied up at the edges of town, as they can easily come into contact with foxes.
- Rabies VACCINE
- Rabies VACCINATION on Dog, or Puppy (12 to 18 weeks of age)
Other Dog Diseases:
If possible, all dogs should also be vaccinated for distemper and parvovirus, which are severe diseases of dogs, but not transmissible to people. If you want to protect your dog against these diseases or information, contact Page Burt, or John Hickes (867) 645-2650 (Rankin Inlet) information on Vaccines.
Parvovirus is a diarrhea disease that can kill a puppy in only a couple days and distemper is a respiratory disease that can spread to the brain and affect a dog’s balance, and muscular control, BOTH ARE PREVENTABLE BY VACCINATION. Full protection requires two shots of a combined vaccine. Puppies should be vaccinated at 6 weeks, and between 13 weeks of age. After that, the dog should be vaccinated annually for parvo, and distemper.
All puppies are likely infected with roundworms and should be dewormed at about 6 to 13 weeks. If you feed raw fish to your dog, it likely will become infected by tapeworms, and will need deworming twice a year. Page Burt, or John Hickes can provide information on this as well.
The RABIES VACCINATION’s contact Chesterfield Inlet Economic Development Officer (867) 898-4603, Hamlet of Chesterfield Inlet, or Dog or Puppy (6 to 13 weeks of age) vaccines inquire Health Centre (867) 898-9968. The Pet products, or supplies visit Pet Products, or Pet Supplies (leases, collars, kennels, or dog foods etc.)
- Rabies VACCINE
- Rabies VACCINATION on Dog, or Puppy (12 to 18 weeks of age)
The Animal/ Pet Vaccination, Training, or Dog, and Puppy Vaccines contact Health Centre 1-(867) 898-9968, or inquire Hamlet Office 1-(867) 898-4600, Hamlet of Chesterfield Inlet.
The SPCA, Animal Hospital/ Humane Society:
- SPCA of Western Quebec
- TUXEDO Animal Hospital
- Iqaluit Humane Society
- Grant Park Animal Hospital
- Canadian Veterinary Medical Association
- Vets Without Borders – Northern Canada
- K9 Advocates Manitoba
- Pet Travel/ Cargo