The Business Licence, Rates/ Lottery Licence

Ph. 867 898-4600
Contact: Finance Officer
The Business licence fees ‘C’, or to obtain business licence By-law No. 60 form ‘A’ & ‘B’, and application Schedule ‘C’, or Hamlet rates Schedule ‘A’. The Business premises compliance By-Law No. 60 – Sanitary, Health, Zoning, Parking, Structural, or Fire Hazard conditions contact Hamlet of Chesterfield Inlet, Chief Administrative Officer 1-(867) 898-4600, or Clerk.

The Municipal service rates, business licence, or business premises compliance requirements By-law No.60 – Sanitary, Health, Zoning, Parking, Structural, or Fire Hazard conditions inquire Hamlet of Chesterfield Inlet.

The Business Licence

The Business/ Tourism Outfitter operating in Chesterfield Inlet must register Business Licence, Tourism Establishment, or Outfitter’s licence. To obtain Business Licence/ to renew in Chesterfield Inlet boundary require Business licence.

a.  Business Licence (rates)
b.  Business Licence (application)

The Business licence (register/ renew) licence is issued by the Finance Officer 1-(867) 898-4600, or inquire Chesterfield Inlet Economic Development Officer (867) 898-4603.

Steps to Register Business Licence

a.  By-Law No. 60 Business Licence Form ‘A’ and ‘B’
b.  Business Fees Schedule ‘C’
c.  Consolidation of Hamlet Act
d.  Hamlet Rates
e.  Tourism Outfitter’s/ Establishment Licence
f.   Workers’ Safety & Compensation Commission
g.  Legal Registry, Department of Justice
h.  Registration, Government of Canada
i.   NNI Registration
j.   Commercial Lot, Community & Government Services
k.  Business Plan Steps

The Business licence registration, Hamlets Act/ regulations, Tourism establishment/ Outfitter’s licence/ WSCC, or Hamlet rates inquire Community Economic Development Officer 1-(867) 898-4603.

The Lottery Licence

a.  Licence Application
b.  Licence Fee Regulations

The Lottery licence/ Fee regulations inquire Chief Administrative Officer 1-(867) 898-4600, Hamlet of Chesterfield Inlet, or Consumer Affairs, CG&S Toll-Free: 1-(866) 223-8139.

The Commercial/ Residential tenants is responsibility of Clean Environment to maintain rental premises, or all services & facilities provided of (Lot) to tenancy of Clean Environment, or Health Safety. The scrap metals ATV parts, snowmobiles, tires, or vehicles should be disposed of Metal scrap yard, or Recycle containers.