The Foxe Basin Kivalliq North Sapujiyiit

Ph: 613 608-4694
Contact: Executive Director & Lead Research
Website: Sapujiyiit
The Environmental programs, patrol/ shipping activity, external research, IQ, or youth programs contact the Sapujiyiit Society.

The Research & Training

The Foxe Basin Kivalliq North Sapujiyiit Society works & coordinate with Chesterfield Inlet, Coral Harbour, & Nauyaat on research program of the Marine Environmental Protection, Safety program, Patrol/ Shipping activity, Monitor Marine Mammals/ Wildlife, or Steward of Land & Water.

The Research, Patrol/ Search & Rescue, IQ/ Youth programs, Steward of Lands & Waters, or Environment.

Programs & Services

The Sapujiyiit program & services/ training on external research, search & rescue (volunteer), IQ/ climate observation, or environmental protection with collaboration of Hunters Trappers Association contact Executive Director.

The Land & Water (ENVIRONMENT)

a.  External Research Program/ Climate Observation
b.  Search & Rescue/ Patrol/ Training/ Employment
c.  Environmental Protection (Monitoring)
d.  Steward of Land & Water (Environment)
e.  Chesterfield Inlet, Coral Harbour & Nauyaat

The Research programs & services, external researchers/ organizations, environmental monitoring, or safety/ youth training.

The Harvesters/ Outpost Camps is the responsibility of CLEAN ENVIRONMENT to maintain premises of the Lands & Waters of Clean Environment, and Management of Wildlife.