The Tenant Relations Officer

Ph. 867 898-9942
Fax: 867 898-9091
Contact: Tenant Relations Officer
Website: Nunavut Housing Corporation
The TRO administer public housing/ GN staff units, or Elders home, rents/ rates, renovation program, emergency/ home repairs, & maintenance program inventory, or inspection of public housing. The GN staff units, Elders home/ Public housing, or Homeowners programs & services contact TRO, or Kivalliq District Office 867 857-3150, Nunavut Housing Corporation.

The Public housing, GN Units/ Elders Home, renovation/ Homeowners program, or Repairs contact TRO.

The Commercial/ Residential tenants is responsibility of Clean Environment to maintain rental premises, or all services, & facilities provided of (Lot) to tenancy of Clean Environment, or Health Safety. The scrap metals ATV/ snowmobile parts, tires, or vehicles should be disposed of Metal scrap yard, or Recycle container.